There are a lot of ways to approach your criminal defense. Positioning yourself for the best outcome possible under the circumstances means choosing the defense strategy that is right under the circumstances. That can be a difficult thing to do, especially when you’re wrapped up just trying to get a handle on the allegations that have been levied against you. That’s why proven criminal defense teams stand ready to assist you.
What criminal defense strategies are available to you?
The answer to this question depends on the facts at hand and the type of criminal charges that have been levied against you. However, here are some of the most common defense strategies, some of which may be applicable to your case:
- Self-defense: If you’re facing allegations of domestic battery or another form of violence, then self-defense might be your best option. Here, you claim that you used an appropriate amount of physical force to prevent yourself or another from being harmed. You’ll also have to demonstrate that you weren’t the initial aggressor. If successful with this defense, though, you might be able to prevent the prosecution from proving the elements of the charged crime.
- Alibi: In some instances, you might be able to avoid conviction simply by proving that you were doing something else when the alleged crime occurred. This is often established through witness testimony, but you might be able to dig deeper to build your alibi, such as by showing surveillance footage, receipts, or employment records.
- Lack of evidence: You might be able to raise reasonable doubts about your guilt by simply arguing that the prosecution has failed to present sufficient evidence. Remember, the burden is on the prosecution to prove their case. The onus isn’t on you to prove your innocence. So, one option you have is to try to poke holes in the prosecution’s case.
- False confession: You may have strong criminal defense options at your disposal even if you confessed to the crime at hand. This is because the police oftentimes use coercive tactics that you might be able to argue violated your constitutional rights.
- Expert testimony: Depending on the facts of your case, you might be able to present expert testimony to help show that you’re not to blame for the criminal offense in question. This might be someone skilled in something like DNA or in weapons ballistics. There are a lot of different kinds of experts out there, though, so you might be able to get creative in how to utilize them to your benefit in your criminal case.
- Statute of limitations: The prosecution is required to pursue criminal charges against you within a certain period of time. That time frame varies depending on the crime alleged. However, in some instances the prosecution is too slow to bring charges. When this happens, you might be able to argue that the statute of limitations has run and the case should therefore be dismissed.
Build the custom-tailored defense that you deserve
The facts of your case are unique. As a result, you need a customized approach to your criminal defense. This will require you to thoroughly analyze the facts of your case and know how to aggressively apply statutory and case law, as well as the rules of evidence, to your situation.